What is your policy on user privacy and data security?

OpenAI, the organization behind the Assistant, is committed to user privacy and data security. Here are some key principles and policies regarding user privacy and data security:

  1. Data Usage: OpenAI does not use the data shared with the Assistant for purposes other than providing the requested information or answering questions during the current conversation. User interactions are not stored or used to build personal profiles.

  2. Data Retention: OpenAI retains user interactions for a limited period, primarily for purposes of research, analysis, and improving the performance and safety of the model. However, these interactions are stripped of personally identifiable information (PII).

  3. Data De-identification: OpenAI takes measures to ensure that any data used for research or analysis is de-identified and anonymized to protect user privacy.

  4. Security Measures: OpenAI employs industry-standard security measures to protect data and prevent unauthorized access to its systems and infrastructure.

  5. User Responsibility: Users are encouraged to avoid sharing sensitive or personal information during interactions with the Assistant to further protect their privacy.

It's important to note that while OpenAI is committed to privacy and security, users should exercise caution and avoid sharing sensitive information such as personal identification numbers, credit card details, or passwords when interacting with AI models like the Assistant.

If you have specific concerns or questions about privacy and data security related to the Assistant, it's advisable to review OpenAI's official privacy policy or contact OpenAI directly for more detailed information.



Admin • 27/09/2023

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